I don’t have much to add on my own, but here are some links to encouraging news regarding vaccines for COVID-19:
Researchers said viruses closely related to the new coronavirus show that spike proteins are important when it comes to inducing immunity. The potential vaccine works like the current flu vaccine in that it uses lab-made pieces of viral protein to build immunity.
The potential vaccine is being called PittCoVacc, short for Pittsburgh Coronavirus Vaccine.
The fingertip-sized patch increases the potency of the vaccine through the use of 400 tiny needles that deliver the spike protein pieces into the skin, where the immune reaction is strongest, officials said.
Potential COVID-19 vaccine developed by UPMC, Pitt
Pitt team makes progress on possible COVID-19 vaccine
Science-y stuff from the Lancet
This wouldn’t be the first time the University of Pittsburgh came through big-time: